Health, Life & Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
We assist executives and C-level people to develop their capacity, and offer them support in reaching their organizational or work-related goals
Lifestyle Coaching
Are You Looking To Reach Your Potential? A lifestyle coach can help you use cognitive, emotional, and behavioural changes to set and achieve your professional and personal goals with clarity and focus.
Health Coaching
Ready to Take Your First Steps towards a Healthier You? Good health is the foundation to happiness. We design an individualised program for you to make lasting changes, aligned with your values, increasing your vitality and, thereby, enhancing your well-being
Lifestyle Redesign Coaching
Lifestyle Redesign Coaching is a client centered approach, guided by robust evidence based tools incorporating; Occupational Therapy, CBT as well as Integrative medicine. Your tailored coaching plan enables you to identify realistic and achievable steps to work towards your ultimate goals and optimum health and well-being.
One on One
- 50 US dollars
4 Week Lifestyle Redesign Programe
- 1 x One on one Lifestyle Coaching Consultation,
6 Pillar Assessment
- 1 x 3D Body Scans.
- 1 x Lifestyle Redesign plan
- 1 x Nutrient timing plan
- 4 x 30min 1:1 Training sessions (Takapuna Studio)
- Access to live online workout webinars. 12pm Monday and Wednesday. Recordings available.
- Account to access online workbook and additional resources to support your journey to greater health.
One on One
Small Groups
Business & corporations
Started Jan 1, 1970
395 US dollarsLoading availability...
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4 Week Online - Lifestyle Redesign
-1 x One on one Lifestyle Redesign Coaching Consultation, 6 Pillar Assessment.
-1 x Lifestyle Redesign Plan
-1 x Nutrient timing plan
-Access to live online workout webinars12pm
Monday & Wednesday. Recordings available.
-Access to online workbook and additional resources.
150 US dollars
A comprehensive ergomonic worksite assessment to enable your staff to operate in a biomechanically sound manner and ensuring optimal health and wellbeing in the workplace or home office.
Programmes Include; 3D body scanner, postural and movement assessment, tailored lifestyle, exercise and nutrition plan.
You can come to us or we can come to your workplace.