We are all increasingly familiar with the importance of our wellbeing and health.
Place your employees' well-being at the centre of your business's success.
Our dedicated and customised workplace health program offers a convenient solution to supporting the health of your employees and team.
Ergonomic Work Well Assessment
​A comprehensive assessment to enable staff
to operate in a biomechanically sound manner
and ensuring optimal health and wellbeing in
the workplace or home office.
Workplace Assessment
An in-depth assessment for staff who have had
an injury or medical condition and are experiencing
pain and discomfort. Recommendations are made
to support the individual to optimize their ability to
manage their presentation and engage in work.
Work-Well Assessment
All About Me
A comprehensive ergomonic worksite assessment to enable your staff to operate in a biomechanically sound manner and ensuring optimal health and wellbeing in the workplace or home office.
Programmes Include; 3D body scanner, postural and movement assessment, tailored lifestyle, exercise and nutrition plan.
You can come to us or we can come to your workplace.
We strive to continue to bring you the best-in-class holistic wellness. Situated in the heart of Takapuna. Auckland, we have a state of the art, fully equipped private training facility. Including; 3D body scanner, postural and movement assessment, tailored exercise and nutrition plan.

All About Me
Get your business Warrant Of Fitness, it’s a 12 point in-depth assessment to ensure your business is up to standard and doing everything to prevent an unhealthy working environment.
We have customisable work health checks and pre-employment health assessments for your staff by experienced professionals at your workplace, online or at our Takapuna Studio.
We tailor fun, inclusive, achievable programmes for your team.
Business Health W.O.F